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[Gala Prosperity Quebec] - CPQ PROSPER Award: Exceptional Employers Nomination


Updated: Nov 21, 2023

MONTREAL, October 11, 2023 – The Conseil du patronat du Québec (CPQ) unveils today the finalists in each of the categories of the PROSPER Awards. Following a jury deliberation process, the finalists were selected for the 5 different award categories. The grand winners will be announced at the Prosperity Quebec Gala on October 25th, in the presence of around 500 business representatives.

"The Prosperity Quebec Gala is an annual opportunity for the CPQ and its partners to highlight exceptional employers in Quebec. It is always an honor for me to welcome the finalists at the event, and it is a tangible way of giving back to the entrepreneurial world of Quebec," rejoices Karl Blackburn, President, and CEO of the CPQ.

The finalists are:

PROSPER New Employer Category

- Obeo biogas

- Iris + Arlo

- Eugeria

PROSPER Innovative Employer Category

- Zú

- Pattes Câlins inc.

- Cascades inc.

PROSPER Employer of Diversity and Inclusion Category

- Metro inc.

- Produits forestiers Résolu

- Intact Corporation financière

PROSPER Exceptional Employer Category

- Hatch Ltée

- UAP Inc.

- Metro inc.

PROSPER Builder Employer Category

- HEC Montréal

- Microcrédit Montréal

- Kruger inc.

The selection jury comprised:

- Mr. Karl Blackburn, President, and CEO, Conseil du patronat du Québec

- Ms. Isabelle Faucher, Director of Human Resources, HEC Montréal

- Ms. Manuelle Oudar, President and CEO, Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)

- Mr. Marc-André Roy, Emeritus Governor, Conseil du patronat du Québec

- Mr. Maximilien Roy, Senior Director of Public Policy for Canada, Amazon

The CPQ expresses gratitude to its financial partners for the event: Amazon, CNESST, ArcelorMittal, RBC, and Québecor.




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